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白明媛(Maggie Ming-Yuan Pai)

Member Since May 2017

Taiwan, Northern Region

白明媛於1998年出生於新竹市,目前就讀國立台灣師範大學音樂系,雙主修教育心理與輔導學系。主修鋼琴,師承陳曉雰、盧易之、黃麗瑛及廖皎含老師;副修理論作曲,師承蕭慶瑜、陳彥文老師。曾參加皮賽克國際民俗藝術節、Swannee Music Festival。

Maggie Ming-Yuan Pai, 20, is currently a junior at National Taiwan Normal University where she is an Excellent Teacher Education Scholarship student. She double majors in Music and Educational Psychology & Counseling. She started playing the piano at the age of 5. In junior high, she studied in Taipei Municipal RenAi Junior High School with Chiao-Han Liao as majoring in piano and with Yan-Wun Chen as minoring in composition. She enrolled in the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University studying with Li-Ying Huang and Yi-Chih Lu in 2013 as majoring in piano and with Ching-Yu Hsiau as minoring in composition. In 2015, she was accepted into National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Music and became a student of Dr. Hsiau-Fen Chen as majoring in piano and Dr. Ching-Yu Hsiau as minoring in composition. Besides western musical instruments, she can also play “Zhongruan” which is a Chinese traditional musical instrument. In 2013, she participated in The 19 th International Folk-lore Festival Pisek which was hold in Czech Republic. In 2014, she attended the Swannee Music Festival. Additionally, in 2015, she was granted the Soaring Art Award 1 st Place in the 1 st International Arts Olympiad-Taiwan, R.O.C. - Interdisciplinary Group Contest and the Golden Art Award for outstanding performance in the 1 st International Arts Olympiad-Taiwan, R.O.C. -Individual Music Arts Contest.


林郁淳 (Joanna Lin)

Member Since May 2017

Taiwan, Northern Region

1997年出生於新北市土城區,5歲時開始學習鋼琴,11歲時開 始學習單簧管,從小就展現豐富的音樂性及音樂天分,國中時錄取新 北市重慶國中音樂班,主修鋼琴,副修單簧管,在校成績優異,高中 順利考上國立台灣師範大學附屬高級中學音樂班,目前就讀國立台北 教育大學音樂系,身為師資生的她,致力鑽研於音樂教育及推廣音樂 。她自2017年5月起加入"Back to Bach"團隊!

Joanna was born in 1997 in Tucheng, New Taipei City. She began playing the piano at 5 years old, and began playing the clarinet when she was 11. She has shown a great sense in music and a talent for it since she was little. In junior high, she studied in a musical class in Chongcing Junior High School, New Taipei City. Majoring in piano, and minoring in clarinet. She had excellent grades at school. Joanna was accepted into The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, with a high score. And now she is studying in National Taipei University of Education. As a pre-service teacher ------- she devoted herself in musical education and promoting her love and passion for music to all those around her. Joanna joined the "Back to BACH" project in May 2017.


Member Since May 2017

Taiwan, Northern Region

林皋生 (Hank Lin)

5歲開始接觸小提琴,曾就讀新竹市東門國小音樂班、中國瀋陽音樂學院附屬中學、國立台灣師範大學附屬高級中學音樂班。17歲至德國漢堡市交換學生一年,並參加當地知名男聲合唱團與管弦樂團 於國外各知名音樂廳巡迴演出,現就讀清華大學材料科學與工程學系。期間參與多次音樂營,於國內外擁有多次演出與賽經驗,師承馮璞、 王冠、Thomas Mittelberger、廖嘉弘等國際知名教授,並於胡乃元、 俞麗拿、林士凱、Thomas Mittelberger 等知名教授大師班接受個別指導及Daniel Quarter 親自授課。他自2017年5月起加入"Back to Bach"團隊!

Hank Lin is a 19-year-old from Hsinchu, Taiwan. He began practicing violin when he was 5 years old. At age of 12, he studied in the Affiliated High School of Shen-Yang Conservatory of Music. He also attended a one-year international exchange student program in Hamburg, Germany when he was 17. In Hamburg, he attended Hamburger Knabenchor and Albert Schweitzer Orchestra, and performed in several famous concert halls. He is currently graduated from the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University. During his violin study, he attended several music camps and competitions, and he also gave recitals and some chamber music concerts. He was studying with Prof. Pu Feng, Prof. Guan Wang, Prof. Drapal Liao, Prof. Thomas Mittelberger...etc. Also, he attended masterclasses given by Nai-Yuan Hu, Lina Yu, Shih-Kai Lin, and Daniel Quarter (for String Quartet). Hank joined the "Back to BACH" project in May 2017. Now he is studying material science and engineering in National Tsing-Hua University.


戴雅旋 (Coco Ya-Hsuan Tai)

Member Since May 2017

Taiwan, Northern Region

戴雅旋,現年21歲,就讀於國立台北藝術大學。自5歲開始學習鋼琴,11歲開始學習長笛。國小就讀非音樂班,國二時以主修鋼琴轉學考進入新北市重慶國中音樂班,高中以主修長笛考取師大附中音樂班,大學順利考取國立台北藝術大學音樂系。曾參與多次國內外音樂比賽皆獲得佳績,平時也積極參與 國內舉辦音樂夏令營、研習營、大師班旁聽。她自2017年5月起加入"Back to Bach"團隊!

Coco Ya-Hsuan Tai, 21 years old, is currently a junior at Taipei National University of the Arts in Taiwan. She started playing the piano at the age of 5 and the flute at the age of 11. She enrolled in the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University studying with Shu-Chun Chiang in 2013 as majoring in flute. In 2015, she was accepted into Taipei National University of the Arts and became a student of Dr. Hwei-Jin Liu. In the past, Coco Ya-Hsuan Tai has won prize in both of domestic and international competitions. In 2013, she won the first prize at the New-Taipei City Competition of Music. In 2014, she won the second prize at the 5th Singapore Flute Competition. In 2015, she won the first-rate prize at the Taipei City Competition of Music. Additionally, she participated in numerous master classes and summer camp, including Trevor Wye Flute Master Class and the Bonzagni Flute Summer Camp. Coco joined the "Back to BACH" project in May 2017.


林芷安 (Zhi-An Lin)

Member Since May 2017

Taiwan, Northern Region

於1998年出生於基隆市,先後畢業於古亭國小音樂班、師大附中國中部及高中部音樂班,目前就讀國立台北藝術大學音樂系。小提琴師承黃芷唯、沈英良、盧佳君、林士凱及蘇正途等名師,並曾獲胡乃元、寧峰等國際大師及Danel quarter親自指導。2012年獲獎學金參加第七屆長城國際音樂夏令營;2015年與好友共組弦樂四重奏,並積極參各類型室內樂演出、錄音及當代作品發表;2016年隨北市交附設室內樂團演出「小夜曲之夜」音樂會;2017年隨台北愛樂青年管弦樂團於國家音樂廳演出布魯克納《第三號彌撒》。現今致力於參與校內外管弦樂團演出,更期許自己能永保對音樂的熱忱。

A 19-year-old young violinist, born in Keelung. She is currently a graduate student at Music Class of The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, she is now studying in Music Department of National Taipei University of Arts. During her violin learning career, She was studying with master Chih-wei Hwang,Ying-Liang Shen, Chia-Chun Lu, Shih-Kai Lin and Cheng-Tu Su…etc. She also participated in several masterclasses from Nai-Yuan Hu, Ning Feng and Danel quarter. She attended Great Wall International Music Academy with sponsored scholarship in 2012, and made a string quartet with friends which was giving several recitals and concerts from 2014 to 2016. She also performed with TSO Chamber Orchestra in The Night of Serende Music Concert in 2016; performed with Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra in Concert at National Concert Hall in 2017. Now she still dedicated to orchestral performances, and encourage herself to remain the passion of music forever.


卓津霈 (Chin-Pei, Tso)

Member Since August 2018

Taiwan, Northern Region

卓津霈 (Chin-Pei, Tso)
2000年出生於台北市,現讀國立台灣師範大學音樂系。七歲開始修習小提琴,曾就讀敦化國小音樂班、國立台灣大學附屬高級中學國中部與高中部音樂班。她自2018年8月起加入“back to bach”團隊!

Chin-Pei, 18 years old, is currently a freshman at National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Music. She began playing the violin at 7 years old and studied at Music Class of The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University. Chin-Pei joined the "Back to BACH" project in August 2018.

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Jouyu Mao

Member Since Fall 2019

Taiwan, Northern Region

毛柔豫,2003年出生於臺北市,目前就讀國立師範大學附屬高級中學,5歲開始演奏小提琴,除了小提琴外,還擁有鋼琴、二胡、吉他的演奏能力,由林鴻喻老師啟蒙,曾以小提琴作為主修就讀光仁小學音樂班、師大附中國中部音樂班,現就讀師大附中高中部,師事謝宜璇老師、林士凱教授,曾受Giora Schmidt、Jinjoo Cho、于翔、Wayne Lin、Itamar Zorman、Jehye Lee、Sojin Kim、Jinjoo Cho、Diana Cohen等多位國際知名演奏家指導。曾多次代表光仁小學、師大附中參加臺北市學生音樂比賽和全國學生音樂比賽,屢獲佳績。2018-2019期間與師大附中1478和1499的同學們組成HSNU Hope室內樂團,於雙連安養中心、聯合醫院、慈濟醫院等多處演出國立師範大學李和莆教授改編的台灣民謠作品進行公益表演。於2019年夏天與附中愛樂第五屆學長姐在花蓮市復興國小舉辦為期五天的公益音樂營,並共同籌劃和演出後續在誠品音樂廳舉辦的慈善募款音樂會「今天回家」,其門票收入之三分之二全數捐給花蓮市復興國小(新臺幣51832元)和安德啟智中心(新臺幣46900元)。

Jou-Yu Mao, born in 2003, Taipei, is currently studying in HSNU. she started playing the violin at the age of 5, aside from violin, she also has the ability to play piano, guitar. Inspired by her first violin Teacher, Hung-Yu Lin, she went to GuangRen elementary school Class of Music to study violin as major under tutelage of Yi-Hsiuan Hsieh. In 2015, she went to JHSNU Class of Music for junior high school, majored in violin, studying with Dr. Shih-Kai Lin. She won first place in the category of Violin in Taipei City Students’ Contest in 2017, and eighth place in The National Student’ Music Contest Finals next year. She won the first place in the category of Piano Quintet in Taipei City Students’ Contest in 2016 and 2018, and first place as well in The National Student’ Music Contest Finals 2019. During 2018 and 2019, she formed a Chamber music ensemble “HSNU Hopers” with several schoolmates in HSNU. They’ve performed at hospitals and elderly centers such as Suang-Lien Elderly Center, Taipei City Hospital Heping Branch, and Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital. In 2019, she hosted a summer camp with a few HSNU alumni at Hualien Fuxing Elementary School, and after that, they threw a charity concert raised NTD. 98,786 for Hualien Fuxing Elementary School and An-De special care center. 

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